The Conditions and Motivation for Proper Implementation of the Criminal Procedural Responsibilities of the Participants in Investigative Actions

  • E.N. Petukhov Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: the parties to criminal proceedings, investigative actions, criminal procedure duties, the motive, the conditions


The article examines the problem of the formation procedure of conduct of participants of the investigative action, which shall be due on the basis of the evaluation of the performance of those in the criminal procedural legislation of the responsibilities of these actors in the criminal process. The motivation of performance of duties of participants of investigative actions as a basis of their proper procedural behavior is defined and its contents at production of various investigative actions is revealed. The author substantiates the deterministic influence of conditions on the proper performance of criminal procedural duties imposed on the participants of investigative actions. The analysis is given to the specific investigative situations in which conflicts of the criminal procedural legislation in questions of regulation of the relations arising between participants of investigative actions are looked through.

The author formulates his position concerning the need for the legislator to impose on professional participants of investigative actions (officials) clearly defined criminal procedural duties in the form of creating positive motivation for participants of investigative actions, which encourages them to properly fulfill their duties and create conditions in which the participants of investigative actions properly fulfill their duties.


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Author Biography

E.N. Petukhov, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

кандидат юридических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры уголовного процесса и криминалистики


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How to Cite
Petukhov E. The Conditions and Motivation for Proper Implementation of the Criminal Procedural Responsibilities of the Participants in Investigative Actions // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2018, № 6(104). P. 118-124 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2018)6-22. URL:
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