Tactical-Forensic Support of Research in the Court with the Participation of Jurors of Physical Evidence with Traces of Blood

  • А.Е. Хорошева Алтайский государственный университет (Барнаул, Россия) Email: khorosheva.defence@gmail.com
Keywords: jury, material evidence, traces of blood, examination, DNA analysis, prosecutor, defender


This article continues the study "The Tactical Basis for Using the Prosecution and Protection of Criminal Forensic Investigations of Blood in a Court with the Participation of Jurors", examining the features of presenting evidence to the jury in an adversarial criminal procedure, the main place among which is the material evidence with traces of biological origin, mainly blood. Using the method of forensic analysis of the materials of criminal cases, the author identifies various behavioral models, emphasizing the prevailing importance of tactical and criminalistic provision of judicial evidence before procedural form. On the example of materials of judicial practice, it is justified that the interpretation of the conclusions of expert opinions by the prosecution and defense parties is the main link in the factual picture offered to the jury and allows them to form a standard "beyond reasonable doubt". Methodological recommendations are proposed aimed at improving the maintenance of public prosecution in criminal cases of murders, with regard to the use of forensic examinations on blood traces in proving the results.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2018)3-34


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Author Biography

А.Е. Хорошева, Алтайский государственный университет (Барнаул, Россия)
кандидат юридических наук, доцент кафедры уголовного процесса и криминалистики Алтайского государственного университета


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How to Cite
Хорошева А. Tactical-Forensic Support of Research in the Court with the Participation of Jurors of Physical Evidence with Traces of Blood // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2018, № 3(101). P. 179-186 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2018)3-34. URL: http://izvestiya.asu.ru/article/view/%282018%293-34.